Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Fertility Therapy in Greenway, Harlow, Essex
Acupuncture doesn’t just deal with physical symptoms. It looks at the whole body - physical mental emotional and spiritual. Treatments are like throwing a pebble into a lake - the ripples can be extremely far reaching. Patients will often notice...
Acupuncture, Chinese Massage, Allergy Intolerance Therapy in London
Michail Giovannopoulos has completed a BSc (Hons) in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture at the University of Westminster, London. He has also completed a Diploma in Chinese massage Tuina at the same University and is a full member of the Britis...
Acupuncture, Womens Health, Weight Loss in London
Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a system of medicine that harnesses the body’s natural resources to heal itself. It’s an immensely powerful but subtle therapy that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Acupunct...
Acupuncture, Womens Health, Acupressure in London
I am a highly qualified and experienced acupuncturist and Tui Na practitioner, director of the Yi Dao Clinic in West Hampstead. I have extensive experience of working with musculo-skeletal conditions through my work and study in hospitals in Lon...
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in LETCHWORTH GARDEN CITY
Chinese MassageAcupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in London
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in London
My journey into Classical Chinese Medicine began whilst searching for treatment to prevent and heal existing injuries received from practicing martial arts. This was not confined to purely the physical but also the psychological aspects of athletic p...
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Acupressure in London
Chiropractic is a hands on approach to stay healthy. Chiropractors use gentle adjustments to correct areas of the spine which are pinched and removes blockages within the nerves. This allows for the communication and healing capacity of your body to ...
Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Massage in Hampstead
Highly skilled massage therapist with over five years experience. My clients appreciate my warm and welcoming personality. I aim to convey my passion in each treatment and be rewarded by your improved wellbeing. My expertise allows me to meet the ...